PPA National Award
Volunteers are truly the lifeblood of PPA and its Affiliates. Every association has those extraordinary volunteers whose efforts on behalf of the Affiliate and its members deserve special recognition. Seeking a way to thank these individuals PPA created the National Award in 1958. The National Award is offered by PPA to state, regional, national and international affiliated organizations on a yearly basis. The award recognizes those who generously contribute their time and talents to the service of their profession, their affiliated organization and their fellow photographers.
Selections of the award are determined by the recipient’s peers, adding to its distinction and value.
The highest honor granted by a PPA Affiliate, it recognizes those whose support for photography goes far beyond any regular expectations or contributions. The simple inscription on this plaque reads “for service to professional photography”– but we know that this award means far more than that.
This award may be given to a member or a non-member, or to someone outside of the field of photography. The only restrictions are that the individual must have performed outstanding service to the profession of photography and that no individual may receive more than one National Award from the same group.
The National Award is presented by WPPA on behalf of PPA.
2023 PPA National Award Recipient
Paul Hafermann

PPA National Award - Previous Recipients
1958 Art Pohlman
1959 Ed Curry
1960 Frank Pechman
1961 B. Artin Haig
1962 Marv Helgeson
1963 Edgar Obma
1964 Gus Malme
1965 Gil Larson
1966 Les Baker
1967 Aida Price
1968 Bill Wollin
1969 Jim Speltz
1970 John Russell
1971 Lionel Lewis
1972 Verna Madigan
1973 Milt Rueckl
1974 Carl Heller
1975 Clif Harmann
1976 Virgil Byng
1977 Gerhard Bakker
1978 Dick Jacobs
1979 Maurie Matzke
1980 Mille Totushek
1981 John H. Keel
1982 Bob Payne
1983 Bob Fehrenbach
1984 Bob Germann
1985 Art Wendt
1986 Tom Nicholson
1987 Gary Tuescher
1988 Gary Wiltsey
1989 Cliff Carroll
1990 Quentin Zinsmaster
1992 Marilyn Carroll
1993 Dan Stoller
1994 Randy Peterson
1995 Lee Larsen
1996 Harold Johnson
1997 Wayne Harmann
1998 Ron Lemerond
1999 Dave Wacker
2000 DeBorAh Wiltsey
2001 Richard Foy
2002 Kris Fehrenbach-Alt
2003 Thomas Giles
2004 Robert Zettler
2005 Paul Tishim
2006 Gary Haas
2007 Rick Trummer
2008 Jon Allyn
2009 Steve Kemp
2010 Dennis McGill
2011 Not Awarded
2012 Mary Mortensen
2013 Jean Wacker
2014 Carl Caylor
2015 John Hartmann
2016 Nancy Nicholson
2017 Patrick Clifton
2018 Tad Meddaugh
2019 Pat Cahill
2020 Tracy Van Zeeland
2021 Kenneth Martin
2022 Jamie Steeno
2023 Paul Hafermann